Reimbursement for orthodontic treatment

HELFO – Health Economics Administration (National Insurance) reimburses public rates set by the Ministry of Health and Care. These tariffs form the basis for calculating social security contributions. Most dentists, also in the public dental service, have prices that are higher than public rates. The gap between public rates and our prices is covered by the patient. Our surcharge is about 20%.

The dentists at Dronningens Tenner have an agreement with HELFO. This means that the expenses that HELFO reimburses are paid directly to the dentist.

The size of support for orthodontic dental treatment varies from 40% to 100% of public rates, depending on how serious the correction is. The four refund groups are listed below. If more siblings are in need of dental regulation, there may be an increased social security benefit from child number two.

GroupReimbursementSibling moderation
B75%90% f.o.m. child number two
C40%60% f.o.m. child number two
DNo reimbursement

Age limit 20 years

In order to receive the benefit of dental care, treatment must commence by the end of the year the patient is 20 years old.

Adult treatment

The National Insurance Scheme may also provide support for adult orthopedic treatment in adult age, after the age of 20, for some types of corrections.